Simple but powerful access control

Full Access Control

SAMs user control is a tiered system, an overall admin can add site admins and viewers, site admins can add sites and inspections where viewers can only view those sites and inspections.

Site control and Accessibility

site management

Adding individual inspection sites to SAMs couldn't be simpler, the site is added by the admin and all inspections, charts and reports can then be added to the site. The sites can then be locked from access if needed.

No more Risk Errors

Auto Calculated Scoring

Inspections are easily added to SAMs and can be accessed from your desktop, tablet or phone. When adding an inspection SAMS automatically calculates the risk scores for a safe and error free inspection.

Clickable Filtered Charts

Data Driven Charts

Filtered charts can be a very quick and easy way to find the inspection you are looking for. Not only are charts a visual aid to overview your sites but one click will filter all inspections.

SAMs is written in the latest database technologies and will grow with your business needs, future plans will offer not only Asbestos Inspections but Legionella and Fire Inspections.
This will allow a one stop shop for all your building sample and inspection data.

Powerful reporting system

Induvidial Reporting

Any type of inspection report can be built for each user and saved to the system, these reports can then be setup to email the user each day, week or month, this is one of the most powerful features of SAMs reporting.

Full project management & Calendar

Manage your projects

Managing your registers and sites can be made easier with the powerful built-in project management and calendar feature that SAMs also offers. Keep a time managed record of your sites, users and inspections.

Easily accessed from PC, Tablet or Mobile with simple navigation and viewing. Compared to other leading inspection software to date SAMs is low price, high value and user friendly.

Keep track of your employees training

Employee training calendar

Keeping up to date records of your employees training and certification can be a problem when information is spread over different
platforms, SAMs ensures everything is in one place for easy retrieval.

Live auditing and reporting

who changed that inspection?

A full auditing and tracking system can be accessed to see all changes to inspections, who made the changes, when they made the changes and what changes were made. This report can be sent to the admin every day, week or month.